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Whatever has brought you here to our church website....welcome!


We are a community of faith:

  • where spirituality and prayer are central

  • where ALL are welcome

  • committed to engaging with our community and world,

       to meet need and reach out with the love of Christ.


Please join us, either in person or online, at 10am through our livestream on our YouTube page

Please subscribe to our weekly E-News to view the bulletin. 



Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm

Easter Day 2024.png

We are an inclusive church where all are welcome

Faith formation and Nurture

(subscribe to our weekly E-news for the latest updates)

Book Group: 

Thursdays at 2pm (recommences April 4, 2024)
Sunday Morning Discussion Group: 

Usually 9am - 10am

with coffee available



On Sundays:

8am Said Eucharist (Rite I)

10am Eucharist (Rite II)

6.30pm Compline (1st Sunday of each month)


Morning Prayer

8:45am - Monday through Thursday

​Lectio Divina and Compline

5.30pm - Tuesdays 5:30pm

(in person & online)


Centering Prayer

Sundays 5:30pm (online)


Contemporary Compline

6:30pm (1st Sunday of the month)

We have spaces available to book

We are blessed to have several spaces available

to our community:

Fellowship Hall, Memorial Hall,

Preschool Rooms, Meeting Rooms.

We are keen to offer these to other users (non-profits)

for little or no cost (donations welcome).

If you have a booking enquiry,

please click the button to complete and submit a booking form.

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